Alcantara Vineyards is part of the American Viticultural Area (AVA) which includes Sonoita AVA, Willcox AVA, and Verde Valley AVA and they cover around 113,000 sq miles.

Arizona Vignerons Alliance (AZVA) is a non-profit organization collecting data on all Arizona wine-growing regions, ensuring authenticity of Arizona wine and working to promote Arizona wine as recognized, respected and sought-after in Arizona, the U.S., and globally.

Alcantara Vineyards
Alcantara Vineyards
About Alcantara Vineyards Added to AZB on: June 23, 2024 Updated on: July 2, 2024 Profile views: 154 views

You’ll find Alcantara Vineyards has over 20,000 vines and offers 17 different varietals. While you sip wine and enjoy our peaceful surroundings, which include vineyards, a grass tasting/restaurant lawn, the Verde River and bald eagles flying overhead, you’ll find you are part of our community and family. We have many activities other than tasting wine. We have kayaking & tubing trips down the Verde River,  E-Bike tours of the vineyard, Jeep & Horseback tours of the vineyards. You can also book a private tour of the vineyard & cellar. We also have a Wedding Chapel in the vineyard to tie the knot.  Bring the kids for our famous hay-wagon ride around the vineyard. Plan on spending the whole day with us!


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