Bruzzi Vineyard is part of the American Viticultural Area (AVA) which includes Sonoita AVA, Willcox AVA, and Verde Valley AVA and they cover around 113,000 sq miles.
Arizona Vignerons Alliance (AZVA) is a non-profit organization collecting data on all Arizona wine-growing regions, ensuring authenticity of Arizona wine and working to promote Arizona wine as recognized, respected and sought-after in Arizona, the U.S., and globally.
Bruzzi Vineyard
Bruzzi Vineyard is located in scenic and historic Young, Arizona. We are the first vineyard in Gila County and our grapes are expertly crafted into some of the finest wines in the state. Explore our exceptional wines and local farm products at our tasting room and farm stand here at the vineyard!
AZbottle Recommendations
Nothing was recommended yet.Contact Information
- Bruzzi Vineyard
- 47209 AZ-288
- Young, Arizona
- 85554
- (928) 462-3314
- ☍
- ☍ Email address not added
Other Locations
- 1) No other location specified
- 2) No other location specified
Social Media Platforms
Hours of Operation
- Monday: Hours not added.
- Tuesday: Hours not added.
- Wednesday: Hours not added.
- Thursday: Hours not added.
- Friday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- Saturday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- Sunday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- AZbottle hasn't visited yet.