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Tierra Madre Vineyards


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AZbottle Notes

About Tierra Madre Vineyards

Tierra Madre Vineyards is a small family run business nestled in the northeastern town of Young, Arizona. Once known as Pleasant Valley, Young is steeped in rich history and sheer beauty. It’s a playground for hunters, explorers, and those seeking solitude.

Our passion for nature and travel is what led us, somewhat by accident, into this gorgeous valley. We immediately fell in love with the area, and purchased our first 10 acres in 2015. Two years later we began preparing the site for planting and in 2019 we planted our first 333 Vidal Blanc vines. We have since planted an additional 1383 vines.

The property itself is full of charm and mystery. Once an old homestead in the 1920’s, you can still see the remnants of the homes stone foundation and the century old apple, pear, and mulberry trees planted by the Ross Family. The original mail delivery route that once ran from Gisela to Pleasant Valley traverses the property and is now used as our driveway, hence the name, Mail Trail Rd.

You’ll discover many ancient Indian sites that dot the area, and if you’re lucky enough you might even come across some artifacts, not to mention the abundant wild life present at any given time. There’s always something to discover here!

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Google map to Tierra Madre Vineyards

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